Venue: Council Chamber, Council Offices, The Campus, Welwyn Garden City, Herts, AL8 6AE
Contact: Marie Lowe
No. | Item |
APPOINTMENT OF CHAIRMAN AND VICE CHAIRMAN To note that Councillors B.Fitzsimon and H.Bower were appointed Chairman and Vice-Chairman of the Committee for the 2019/20 municipal year at the Annual Council meeting on 20 May 2019. Minutes: It was noted that at the Annual Council meeting on 20 May 2019 Councillors B.Fitzsimon and H.Bower were appointed Chairman and Vice Chairman of the Committee respectively for the 2019/20 Municipal Year. |
APOLOGY Minutes: An apology for absence was received from Councillor L.Brandon. |
MINUTES To confirm as a correct record the Minutes of the meeting held on 4 March 2019 (previously circulated). Minutes: The Minutes of the meeting held on 4 March 2019 were confirmed as a correct record and signed by the Chairman. |
Report of the Corporate Director (Public Protection, Planning and Governance) on the status of actions agreed at the last meeting. Minutes: The Committee noted the report of the Corporate Director (Public Protection, Planning and Governance) giving an update on actions from the meeting held on 4 March 2019. |
WELWYN HATFIELD AND GREENWICH LEISURE LTD (GLL) PARTNERSHIP UPDATE Introductory presentation from GLL following their merger with Finesse Leisure in respect of the Council’s sport and leisure sites in the Borough in 2019. Minutes: The Head of Policy and Culture and J.Rham, Regional Director, GLL made a presentation to the Committee which gave a Finesse Leisure and GLL merger recap and an update on year one 2018/19 commitments and key deliverables which focused on better service and better communities, a new community fund and future plans.
In response to Members’ questions, it was noted that there were no fixed term membership contracts in place for local GLL managed facilities.
Attrition levels had improved so membership numbers were increasing overall and with many customers making payments via the on-line booking system, there should still be staff patrols, spot checks and access control for paid for activities across the managed sites.
A request was made that payment arrangements for vulnerable persons be monitored to ensure they are not adversely impacted by cashless payments.
The issues of barbeques and litter at Stanborough Park were raised and how GLL sought to combat higher incidences of these in the warmer summer months.
That the presentation providing a Finesse Leisure and GLL merger recap and a year one update on GLL’s management of the Council’s sports and leisure sites be noted. |
CW ENTERTAINMENT ANNUAL UPDATE (2018-19) Report of the Corporate Director (Resources, Environment and Cultural Services) informs Members of the work of CW Entertainment over the period April 2018 to March 2019. Minutes: The Head of Policy and Culture and General Manager, Campus West presented the annual report for Campus West for 2018/19, covering a brief history, current staffing, the year in numbers, customer feedback using the net promoter score for satisfaction levels and the challenges and opportunities facing the business.
Members expressed their pride in Campus West and recorded their appreciation to the work of the staff at the facility.
That the presentation on The Campus West annual report 2018/19 be noted. |
PERFORMANCE INDICATOR REPORT Report of the Corporate Director (Resources, Environment and Cultural Services) and accompanying presentation provides the Committee with the performance indicator data collected for those services that fall within its remit. It also provides Quarter 4 and Annual data for 2018-19 along with comparative information where available. Additional documents: Minutes: Report of the Corporate Director (Resources, Environment and Cultural Services) and accompanying presentation providing the Committee with the key performance indicator data collected for those services within the remit of this Committee in Quarter 4 along with annual data for 2018/19 and comparative information where available.
That the performance indicator data for Quarter 4 and for annually reported data be noted. |
YOUTH STRATEGY CONSULTATION REPORT 2019 Report of the Corporate Director (Housing and Communities) sets out the draft Welwyn Hatfield Youth Strategy and Action Plan and seeks approval to consult more widely with key stakeholders. Additional documents:
Minutes: Report of the Corporate Director (Housing and Communities) setting out the draft Welwyn Hatfield Youth Strategy and Action Plan and seeking approval to consult more widely with key stakeholders including with Hertfordshire County Council and on health and wellbeing issues.
The draft strategy set out the current local and national data around young people and the challenges they face. It also provides some information on what was already being done within the Borough to help address some of the inequalities that existed locally.
This draft strategy had been written by the Council in partnership with the help of key partners across the County and with the action plan would require agencies from the voluntary, private and public sectors to all work together to improve the lives and opportunities for young people in Welwyn Hatfield.
This would help young people to participate in regular activities and not be excluded by cost.
It set out the key priorities that partnership working with and for young people within the Borough should be focused on.
That consultation on the draft Youth Strategy and action plan with key stakeholders in the Borough be approved with the feedback from the consultation and details of any changes to the strategy being presented to the Committee in advance of consideration of approval of the strategy at the meeting in November 2019. |
HOUSING AND HOMELESSNESS STRATEGY 2019-2024 Report of the Corporate Director (Housing and Communities) sets out a new draft Housing and Homelessness Strategy informed by a recent review of homelessness in the Borough and engagement with all key stakeholders. Additional documents:
Minutes: Report of the Corporate Director (Housing and Communities) setting out a new draft Housing and Homelessness Strategy informed by a recent review of homelessness in the Borough and engagement with all key stakeholders.
The Committee in November 2018 agreed to initiate a public consultation on the first draft Housing, Homelessness and Rough Sleeper Strategy and this was completed by the end of January 2019. Overall feedback on the strategy was positive with an average of 83% of respondents saying that the Council had got it right.
In response to Members’ questions, it was noted that there were currently 2700 families on the housing waiting list and 700 on the transfer list. There were 1398 people registered and queuing for one bed properties. Of these 129 were couples and 1269 were single persons with 116 of these queuing for one bed sheltered accommodation only.
There was an upward trend, but demand was restricted and only people with the most pressing needs were on the waiting list.
The Council was taking active measures were taken to prevent homelessness and these included working with Citizens Advice and the Resolve outreach service.
That the final draft Housing, Homelessness and Rough Sleeper Strategy 2019-2024 be recommended to the Cabinet and the Council for approval and adoption. |
ANTI-SOCIAL BEHAVIOUR STRATEGY Report of the Corporate Director (Housing and Communities) sets out the amended draft Anti-Social Behaviour (ASB) Strategy following consultation feedback and seeks approval with regard to its implementation.
The draft ASB Strategy defines how the Council will tackle crime and anti-social behaviour through a framework of prevention, early intervention, support and enforcement and sets out key priorities for the Council’s ASB service during 2019-2022. Additional documents:
Minutes: Report of the Corporate Director (Housing and Communities) setting out the amended draft Anti-Social Behaviour (ASB) Strategy following consultation feedback and seeking approval to its implementation.
The draft strategy defined how the Council would tackle crime and anti-social behaviour through a framework of prevention, early intervention, support and enforcement and set out key priorities for the Council’s ASB service during 2019-2022.
Under the Crime and Disorder Act 1998, the Council had a statutory duty to work with the Police and other agencies to reduce crime and anti-social behaviour.
That the amended draft Anti-Social Behaviour Strategy and associated action plan be agreed and recommended to the Cabinet for implementation. |
ANTI-SOCIAL BEHAVIOUR POLICY Report of the Corporate Director (Housing and Communities) sets out the draft updated Anti-Social Behaviour (ASB) Policy which provides guidance on how the Council will implement the Anti-Social Behaviour Strategy. Additional documents:
Minutes: Report of the Corporate Director (Housing and Communities) setting out the draft updated Anti-Social Behaviour Policy which provided guidance on how the Council would approach the prevention and management of anti-social behaviour.
Following the re-integration of the former Housing Trust in February 2017 and changes in legislation since the previous policy was approved, a full review of the current policy had been carried out and it had been updated.
It was also a statutory requirement for local authorities to have in place a policy setting out how they would deal with behaviour that adversely impacted local communities.
That the Anti-Social Behaviour Policy be agreed and recommend to the Cabinet for adoption. |
APPOINTMENT OF THE MEMBER HEALTH WORKING GROUP To appoint Members to the Member Health Working Group which falls within the remit of this Committee. Minutes: To appoint Members to the Member Health Working Group which fell within the remit of this Committee.
The Group comprised three Member “Health Champions” appointed by the Committee – one from each of the three political groups on the Council to meet as required.
That the Members of the Health Working Group in 2019/20 be Councillors L.Chesterman, R.Lass and A.Rohale. |
RE-APPOINTMENT OF THE ANTI-SOCIAL BEHAVIOUR SCRUTINY SUB-COMMITTEE FOR 2019/20 Following the establishment of the Anti-Social Behaviour Scrutiny Sub-Committee on 21 January 2019 the Committee is asked to re-appoint the Sub-Committee for the New Municipal Year. Minutes: Following the establishment of the Anti-Social Behaviour Scrutiny Sub-Committee on 21 January 2019 the Committee was asked to re-appoint the Sub-Committee for the new Municipal Year. An initial meeting of the sub-Committee had taken place to scope the scrutiny exercise and further meetings would now be convened to undertake the scrutiny.
That Councillors L.Chesterman (Chairman), J.Cragg, P.Hebden and A.Rohale be appointed as Members of the Anti-Social Behaviour Scrutiny Sub-Committee. |
COMMITTEE OVERVIEW WORK PROGRAMME 2019/20 The pro-forma which sets out the Committee’s overview work programme has been updated since the last meeting to enable forward planning of items to be considered to take place. Items which the Committee agrees it would like to consider will be scheduled into the work programme. Minutes: The pro-forma setting out the Committee’s overview work programme which had been updated since the last meeting to enable the forward planning of items to take place was submitted.
That the work programme be noted. |