Venue: Council Chamber, Council Offices, The Campus, Welwyn Garden City, Herts, AL8 6AE
Contact: Alison Marston
No. | Item |
SUBSTITUTIONS To note any substitution of Committee Members made in accordance with Council Procedure Rules. Additional documents: Minutes: The following substitution of Committee Members had been made in accordance with Council Procedure Rules:
Councillor T. Travell for Councillor S. Tunstall Councillor L. Musk for Councillor J. Broach Councillor S. Thusu for Council C. Juggins |
APOLOGIES Additional documents: Minutes: Apologies of absence were received from Councillors J. Broach, C. Juggins and S. Tunstall. |
MINUTES To confirm as a correct record the Minutes of the meeting held on 14 April 2022 (previously circulated). Additional documents: Minutes: The minutes of the meetings held on 3 March 2022 were approved as a correct record. |
DECLARATIONS OF INTEREST BY MEMBERS To note declarations of Members’ disclosable pecuniary interests, non-disclosable pecuniary interests and non-pecuniary interests in respect of items on the Agenda. Additional documents: Minutes: Councillor J. Cragg declared a non-pecuniary interest in Item 7 of the agenda as the Chair of Cabinet Housing Panel. |
Report of the Head of Planning. Additional documents: Minutes: Report of the Head of Planning on Retrospective planning permission which was sought for the existing dwelling. Planning permission was granted in April 2018 for the erection of a new dwelling on the plot following demolition of existing (application number: 6/2018/0383/FULL). The dwelling which had been built however was not as per the approved plans. The key changes were summarised as follows: -Reduction in depth of dwelling by approximately 0.3 metres; -Increase in depth of rear patio by 4.6 metres and increase in width of rear patio to span the full width of the plot; -Setting of dwelling into the ground by approximately 0.65 metres, increase in eaves height by 0.282 metres and increase in ridge height by 0.673 metres; -Insertion of additional first floor window on Right Side Elevation; -Skylights added to single storey rear element; -Reduction in overall height of front hard boundary treatment; -Change of windows from uPVC to aluminium; and - Alterations to openings
The application site is situated on the north-eastern side of Hill Rise and comprises a three-storey detached dwelling (inclusive of habitable roof space) set back from the road behind a large driveway.
This part of Hill Rise slopes steeply uphill from its junction with Sutherland Way/Tolmers Avenue to the junction with Plough Hill and the site is located approximately halfway along this section of the road.
The application was presented to the Development Management Committee because it had been called-in by Councillor George Michaelides.
Northaw & Cuffley Parish Council raised an objection to the development for the reasons set out below:
“At the Planning Committee held 3rd February 2021 the Committee unanimously resolved to submit an objection this application. The grounds for objection are confirmed as overdevelopment of the plot, the height of the shared/adjoining wall, that the roof height would be out of line with the adjoining properties and that the additional side elevation and patio doors contain additional windows causing technical issues with this application”.
Christian Theodorou, Objector, stated that he resided at 6 Hill Rise next door to 8 Hill Rise. He stated that the applicant had deliberately set out to breach planning on a vast scale to increase the size of the property. The applicant had excavated lower than agreed and constructed a retaining wall which did not have planning permission. He stated that the retaining wall was defective and has put his property at risk of serious structural damage. In addition, the applicant failed to provide safety barriers on the retaining wall in order to avoid the potential fall of 1.6 metres from 6 Hill Rise and 2.5 metres from 10 Hill Rise and was a serious safety concern. The raised patio was much larger than approved. The patio now extended to the full width of the plot and towered over neighbours’ gardens and was extremely intrusive. The applicant had gained extra height by excavating lower than agreed and increasing the height of the roof. The applicant also breached ... view the full minutes text for item 5. |
Report of the Head of Planning. Additional documents: Minutes: Report of the Head of Planning for the redevelopment of the site following the demolition of the existing 8 one-bedroom flats building. The proposed building would comprise of 14 x 1 bedroom, 2 person apartments. It was stated that the development would be 100% affordable housing. The building would be sited in a similar location to the existing building, towards the northern side of the plot, set back from the front of the plot by approximately 6.7m. The proposed building would measure approximately 22.6m in width by 25.4m in depth and 10m in overall height. The building rises to three storeys in height with a two-storey projection to the side, designed with a mansard roof form with dormer window features to the front. There will be first and second floor balconies in the front, sides and rear elevations of the building. There would be three flats at ground floor, six flats on the first-floor level and five flats on the second floor. The upper storeys of the building would be served by a centrally located staircase. The development would be served by a parking and turning area at the rear of the building incorporating 14 parking spaces in total (6 of which would be provided within an under-croft area). A refuse store is proposed to the south adjacent to the existing substation and a 16 Secure Cycle Shelter & Bike Stands Parking area have been provided and is located on the north-eastern side of the site next to the secure car park. Access to the highway would be taken from the existing driveway from Ludwick Way on the western side of the site which has been widened to 4 metres to allow passing of vehicles. Pedestrian priority access is proposed through the site and the green space to the south and east. Following concerns raised by the Case Officer and the Highway Authority, revised plans were submitted by the applicant which included the relocation of the proposed rooftop plant on the rear of the building, removal of gates to the car park area, inclusion of secure cycle parking and minor amendments to the proposed access. Neighbours and relevant consultees were re-consulted for a period of 10 days for their information and comments as a result of the amended drawings received.
This application was presented to the Development Management Committee because the application is a Major application and Welwyn Hatfield Borough Council is the applicant.
Charlotte Hagerty, Agent stated that for this site, the existing residential building was deemed not fit for purpose and the site was identified by the council as ready for development to provide permanent affordable housing. Prior to the submission of the application, advice was sought from the planning department, resulting in a reduction on the overall massing of the proposal and an agreement on how to minimise impact upon neighbouring properties whilst maintaining architectural style appropriate to the context. A transport assessment was carried out by EAS transport planning to determine suitable number of parking spaces ... view the full minutes text for item 6. |
6/2020/3451/MAJ - WELLS FARM NORTHAW ROAD EAST CUFFLEY POTTERS BAR EN6 4RD - DEMOLITION OF EXISTING BUILDINGS AND ERECTION OF 14 DWELLINGS Withdrawn from the agenda to allow officers to investigate certain technical matters which have been raised by those making representations. Additional documents: Minutes: This item was withdrawn from the agenda. |
Report of the Head of Planning. Additional documents: Minutes: Report of the Head of Planning detailing recent appeal decisions for the period 1 April to 6 June 2022.
Members noted the planning appeal at 39A Roe Green Lane Hatfield AL10 0SH had been dismissed by the inspector.
That appeal decisions during the period 1 April to 6 June 2022 be noted. |
PLANNING UPDATE - FUTURE PLANNING APPLICATIONS PDF 223 KB Report of the Head of Planning. Additional documents: Minutes: Report of the Head of Planning providing the Committee with a summary of planning applications that may be presented to DMC in future.
Members queried an application for Upper Bell Lane Farm Bell Lane, The Brookmans Park, Estate Bell Bar. There was no reason stated for the application to go to committee other than ‘see attached file’ and there were no files attached to the agenda. Officers stated that they will look into it and provide clarification to the committee.
That future planning applications which might be considered by the Committee be noted. |