Venue: Council Chamber, Council Offices, The Campus, Welwyn Garden City, Herts, AL8 6AE
Contact: Gurdip Paddan
No. | Item |
APPOINTMENT OF CHAIRMAN To appoint a Chairman of the Sub-Committee for the meeting. Minutes: Councillor B. Fitzsimon had been appointed Chairman for this meeting. |
Report of the Corporate Director (Public Protection, Planning and Governance) considering an application for a review of the premises licence currently in place at Colesdale Farm, Northaw Road West, Northaw. Additional documents:
Minutes: Introduction and Procedures
The purpose of the meeting was to consider an application for a review of the premises licence currently in place at Colesdale Farm, Northaw Road West, Northaw. This licence had been in place since January 2020 and being held by BJP Productions Ltd. The Designated Premises Supervisor and the Director of BJP Productions being Mr Joshua Silver.
The review has been formally requested by Lisa Chaplin Clerk of Northaw and Cuffley Parish Council (the applicant). The Applicant has requested the review under the Licensing Act 2003 on the statutory grounds of Prevention of public nuisance. Documentary Evidence
A copy of the Licensing Officer’s report, the premises licence, application for review of the license and a site location map had previously been circulated.
Report of the Licensing Officer
The Licensing Officer presented her report on an application which had been received from the Applicant under the Licensing Act 2003 for a review of Colesdale Farm premises licence on the grounds of prevention of public nuisance.
The review related solely to preventing nuisance to the public primarily by noise. Other matters relating to Covid-19 restrictions and the input of the Safety Advisory Team could not be taken into consideration as these do not fall under the licensing objectives subject of this review.
The Applicant had requested a review due to residents of Northaw and Cuffley experiencing noise nuisance between August and September 2020 due to a series of events that took place at Colesdale Farm every weekend. The Sub-Committee was advised that these events had been consolidated into a short period due to lockdown earlier in the year. The licence allowed 12 music events to take place between April and November but these all took place between August and September. A number of complaints were received by Environmental Health following these events and the actions taken were reported in the Environmental Health representation within the report at Appendix E. There were a number of representations received from people who both support and those against the events at Colesdale Farm. There were five representations in support of the review who all live in Northaw and Cuffley, as shown within the report at Appendix C and twenty two representations against the review as detailed within the report as appendix D. A small proportion of these live in Northaw and Cuffley. Members noted that three of the representations made against the review were not known at the address supplied when the notice of hearing was delivered. These three persons lived outside of Northaw and Cuffley. There were nine people who made representations against the review but did not provide an address and/or signature so these were not included as being relevant. The Environmental Health Officers present were Cheryl Brown and Liz Jakeman. Environmental Health made representation to the application for the licence and BJP Productions agreed to the three noise conditions they requested so the licence was granted.
The Applicant advised that majority of the people residing Cuffley were not opposed ... view the full minutes text for item 17. |