Venue: Council Chamber, Campus East, Welwyn Garden City, Herts, AL8 6AE. View directions
Contact: Suzanne Hulks
No. | Item |
APPOINTMENT OF CHAIRMAN To appoint a Chairman of the Sub-Committee for the meeting. Minutes: Councillor J Cragg was appointed as Chairman of the sub-committee for this meeting. |
DECLARATIONS OF INTERESTS BY MEMBERS To note declarations of Members’ disclosable pecuniary interests, non-disclosable pecuniary interests and non-pecuniary interests in respect of items on the Agenda.
Minutes: There were no declarations of interest. |
To consider an application for a licence for 3A Parkhouse Court. Comet Way, Hatfield. Additional documents:
Minutes: The Licensing Officer presented a report which informed Members of an application for late night refreshment from 11pm to 4am with deliveries only from 1am until 4am.
It was noted that there had been a representation from the Police, but this had been addressed by an agreement to operate deliveries only between the hours of 1am and 4am.
Environmental Health had made a representation concerning noise and the applicant had agreed to display signs requesting patrons and staff to keep noise down.
One representation had been received from a resident who objected to the application due to issues with parking, noise and anti-social behaviour.
The applicant was in attendance. He acknowledged that when the premises had first opened, there had been some issues with parking as there had been a delay in the business receiving parking permits and drivers had therefore parked in alley ways and other inconvenient areas rather than risk a parking fine.
There had also been issues with rubbish in the early days as there had been no allocated space for bins and bins went missing. This had now been resolved.
The applicant said that he would ensure staff received training in order to minimise noise disturbance. He said that the manager would be responsible for making sure noise was kept to a minimum. Also, between 1am and 4am, the front of house lights and screens would be turned off, so ensuring that customers did not think that the premises were open which should deter them from knocking on the door.
Drivers of delivery vehicles would be instructed not to rev their engines in the car park.
The applicant also informed Members that the oven on the premises was the latest model and made little noise.
In summary, the applicant stated that he did not want to upset local residents as they were potential customers. He had already addressed the issues of parking and rubbish and he would try to ensure that noise was kept to a minimum.
At 3.05pm, the sub-committee left the room to consider its decision.
At 3.25pm, the sub-committee returned.
The Chairman advised that the sub-committee had considered all of the evidence, both written and oral and it had been
To grant the licence as per the application, subject to the conditions as shown below.
Opening Times of the Premises 10.00am to 04.00am Monday to Sunday
Late Night Refreshment 11.00pm to 04.00am Monday to Sunday
1. Deliveries only to take place between 1am and 4am. 2. Notices to be displayed on entrances and exits to the premises reminding patrons and staff to refrain from noisy behaviour and to have consideration for neighbours and residents. 3. Drivers of delivery vehicles to be reminded not to rev their engines or to leave them running. Also a reminder would be given to park considerately at all times.