Venue: Council Chamber, Campus East, Welwyn Garden City, Herts, AL8 6AE. View directions
Contact: Marie Lowe Email: 01707 357443
No. | Item | ||||||
APOLOGIES Minutes: Apologies for absence were submitted from
County Councillor M.Eames-Petersen and S.Gordon
Borough Councillors S.Boulton, J.Boulton, H.Bromley, H.Bower, L.Chesterman, S.Glick, M.Perkins and F.Thomson |
CHAIRMAN ANNOUNCEMENTS · Highway Liaison Meeting Protocol · Household Waste Recycling Centre, Cole Green · Highway Adoption at Former Aerodrome Site · Highways Fault Reporting
Minutes: At the request of the Chairman, the meeting stood for one minute silence as a mark of respect for Robert Gordon, Leader of Hertfordshire County Council following his sudden death on 6 October 2017. The Chairman informed the meeting that the funeral would take place at 2 pm on 30 October 2017 at St Albans Abbey. Everyone was welcome to attend.
The Chairman introduced Paul Gellard who had been appointed Highway Locality Manager (Mid Herts) following Steve Dibben’s relocation to St Albans City and District Council.
Chairman made the following announcements on
Update on Growth and Transport Plans
· What is a Growth and Transport Plan? · South Central Growth and Transport Plan
The Chairman reported that the draft Transport Plan would be going out for consultation shortly, with the intention to introduce the Local Transport Plan in May next year. Members were asked to respond to the consultation as it affected the south central area of Hertfordshire, which included the Welwyn/Hatfield area.
A presentation would be made at the next meeting.
Highway Liaison Meeting protocol
The Chairman explained the purpose of the meeting, which was not a decision making body and did not have a budget.
Household Waste Recycling Centre, Cole Green
Correspondence had been received from Simon Aries, Assistant Director, Transport, Waste and Environmental Management at Hertfordshire County Council as follows.
‘As you know Cole Green is in EHDC area and we are very clear and open about the fact the site is not fit for purpose. We are constantly on the lookout for a new location so that we could potentially consider the development of a ‘supersite’. However, finding a suitable bit of land is a big challenge not least because while all the HWRCs are very well used (over 2.4m visitors per year and rising) they tend not to be popular neighbours. We then need to find the money.
We know some Welwyn Hatfield residents use Stevenage and we are looking at potential expansion of that site which would provide a better option for those willing to travel a few more minutes for a much better experience. However, nothing will happen quickly.
Anything Welwyn Hatfield could do to help with land would be very welcome’.
Highway adoption at former aerodrome site
Following a request for this agenda item from Welwyn Hatfield Borough Councillor Duncan Bell at the last meeting, the Chairman advised that the process of adoption was slow. The Chairman reported that there was increasing pressure from the Ward and County Councillor to progress the adoption. It was envisaged that adoption would take place with the next twelve months.
Highways Fault Reporting
Welwyn Hatfield Borough Councillor Duncan Bell requested that in future there be the ability to log any faults identified on the Highways fault reporting system. That any roads planned for adoption or had been adopted be mapped and logged on the County’s system.
Welwyn Hatfield Borough Councillor Maureen Cook stated that the main concern was that the County records was not up to date. |
ROAD SAFETY PARTNERSHIP Simon Brown, Road Safety Programme Manager, will give an overview of road safety awareness and learning currently being promoted by the county council.
Minutes: The Road Safety Programme Manager, Anne Hardy, presented an overview of road safety awareness and learning currently being promoted by the County Council, which included.
· Introduction · Learn to Live Campaign · PCC’s Road Safety Fund Update · Recent Issues
Following the presentation Members made the following comments.
· The Speed Indicator Devised (SIDs) installed in various locations in the Borough had had a significant impact on driver’s behaviour. · Banners on railings near to school gates were considered to be hazardous and should be removed. · More use should be made of the data collected from the SIDs. · Clear signage proved to aid road safety. |
RINGWAY'S SEASONAL UPDATE To receive a presentation from Rob Payne, Ringway outlining what has been delivered, challenges overcome, planned works programmes and proposed service improvements.
Minutes: Members received a presentation from Ringway, Dave Thomas, which outlined what had been delivered, challenges overcome, planned works programmes, and proposed service improvements.
· How the road surfaces in Hertfordshire are maintained · Maintenance programmes · Categories · Who is responsible for which areas/repairs/maintenance
Following requests from Members, a presentation on the different aspects of the Ringway contract on footways would be made at the next meeting. |
LED LIGHTING UPDATE/CENTRAL MANAGEMENT SYSTEM (CMS) Minutes: Members received an update on the LED lighting from Project Manager, Jon Watt, from Ringway. |
DISCRETIONARY HIGHWAY SCHEMES Paul Gellard, Highway Locality Manager will provide an update about the Highway Locality Budget and expenditure.
Minutes: Paul Gellard, Highway Locality Manager provided an update about the Highway Locality Budget and expenditure.
Highway Locality Budget (HLB) – Overview
HLB status 17/18 2017/18 Highways Locality Budget Expenditure Update (8 members)
2017/18 Remaining – unallocated £ 12,261 = 2% 2017/18 commitment to date £707,739 = 98%
HLB status 2018/19 2018/19 Highways Locality Budget Expenditure Update (8 members)
2018/19 Remaining – unallocated £409,151 = 57% 2018/19 commitment to date £310,898 = 43%
There were four tests to be applied to a scheme being considered for Highway Locality Budget funding:
· Must be spent on the highway; · Comply with county council policy, strategy, and standards · Lawful; · ‘Sustainable’ in terms of future and ongoing maintenance
HLB key milestones
Details of the HLB were recorded in the HLB Member Guidance Document. |
VERGE PROTECTION TRO UPDATE To receive a presentation from Vikki Hatfield.
Minutes: Members received a presentation from Vikki Hatfield, Parking and Cemetery Services Manager on Verge and Footway Traffic Regulation Orders.
· Increase in car ownership · Pressure on parking provision · Conservation area · First Verge and Footway TRO · Monitoring period · Next steps · Challenges |
NEXT MEETING Agenda items for next meeting.
The next Highways Liaison meeting is set for 15 March 2018 starting at 7.30pm in the Council Chamber, Welwyn Hatfield Council, Council Offices, Welwyn Garden City, Herts AL8 6AE.
Minutes: Agenda items for the next meeting were to be submitted to the Chairman and/or the Highway Locality Manager (Mid Herts).
The next Highways Liaison Meeting is set for 15 March 2018 starting at 7.30pm in the Council Chamber, at The Campus, Welwyn Garden City |