Venue: Council Chamber, Council Offices, The Campus, Welwyn Garden City, Herts, AL8 6AE
Contact: Democratic Services
No. | Item |
SUBSTITUTION OF MEMBERS To note any substitution of Committee members made in accordance with Council Procedure Rules. Minutes: There were no substitutions.
APOLOGIES Minutes: There were no apologies for absence.
MINUTES To confirm as a correct record the Minutes of the meeting held on 28 June 2023 (previously circulated). Minutes: The minutes of the meeting held on 28 June 2023 were agreed as a correct record and noted by the chair.
NOTIFICATION OF URGENT BUSINESS TO BE CONSIDERED UNDER ITEM 10 Minutes: No notifications of urgent business were received.
DECLARATIONS OF INTERESTS BY MEMBERS To note declarations of Members’ disclosable pecuniary interests, non-disclosable pecuniary interests and non-pecuniary interests in respect of items on this agenda. Minutes: There were no declarations of interests by members.
Risk Management Quarter 1 Risk Registers To receive a report of the Executive Director (Finance and Transformation). Additional documents:
Minutes: Members received a report of Risk Registers from Quarter 1 for this financial year, correct as of 30 June 2023.
The Assistant Director (Finance) stated Welwyn Hatfield Borough Council (WHBC) approved new risk management policy strategy and framework at end of 2022/23, for adoption from 1 April 2023, and this is the first time that risks have been reported in this way under the new framework. The risks presented include all of the identified strategic risks, along with the operational risks, with a residual assessment of serious or severe.
The risk register had a comprehensive review and, following the review, was imported into the new system in May 2023. Due to this, it is not possible to include a comparison to the previous quarter's report. Trend information is only the trend between early May and end of June. Work is being done on the reporting, so trend information on the inherent risk will also be shown in future reports.
A member development session was held on risk management last week and for any members that could not attend the session, a recording would be available.
The following points were raised and discussed:
RESOLVED: (unanimous)
Members noted: A) the attached risk registers at Quarter 1; and B) the comments and actions in respect of the strategic and serious/severe operational risks.
Shared Internal Audit (SIAS) progress report To receive the Shared Internal Audit Progress Report. Minutes: The Committee received the SIAS progress report from K. Fuller on delivering the Council's 2023/24 annual Internal Audit Plan,
The report provided the in-year Audit Plan review and proposed plan amendments, the implementation status of previously agreed audit recommendations and update on performance indicators, as of 04/09/2023.
During the presentation, the following points were highlighted:
The following points were raised and discussed:
RESOLVED: (unanimous)
The Audit Committee noted the Internal Audit progress report for the period to 4 September 2023, and note the implementation status of internal audit recommendations and the management update.
Shared Internal Audit (SIAS) Annual Report To receive the Shared Internal Audit Annual Report. Minutes: The Committee received the SIAS annual report presented by K. Fuller.
SIAS are Council's internal auditors and are a partnership between eight local authorities within Hertfordshire. Hertfordshire County Council (HCC) acts as the host partner, with all SIAS staff HCC employees. WHBC is one partner and the shared service is governed through a partnership board, with the WHBC Executive Director (Finance and Transformation) a sitting member.
SIAS has been in place for over 12 years and has delivered across the partnership over 3,000 audit days yearly. The service has 17 staff members and have a co-sourced audit partner, BDO, to provide specialist skills and provide additional resilience.
The report was for information purposes and differs from annual assurance opinion brought to the Committee earlier this year, as it relates to whole shared service. The reports primary aim was to provide the Committee with an overview of wider performance, achievements and future development activities for service.
RESOLVED: (unanimous)
Members noted the Internal Audit Annual Report
Shared Anti-Fraud Services (SAFS) progress report on Anti Fraud Plan 2023/2024 To receive the Shared Anti-Fraud Services (SAFS) Progress Report on Anti Fraud Plan 2023/2024 Additional documents: Minutes: The Committee received the SAFS progress report, presented by N. Jennings, on Anti-Fraud Plan 2023/2024.
As Council joined the partnership in April 2023 the report would not review previous years. The report looked at progress with delivery of the anti-fraud plan reviewed and approved by Committee in March 2023.
Report details how SAFS have been embedding into WHBC to ensure officer and staff awareness of the service and how it works, ensuring SAFS can access systems needed and data required to conduct work.
The plan was agreed with the relevant officers and brought to the Committee for noting.
The report discusses what SAFS are doing, how SAFS are introducing the service to the council and outcomes from some of the work.In particular, allegations of fraud reported, and the types of fraud that a local authority could see. Allegations could be received from the public and staff. Some work being done with the Comms team is ensuring public are aware of how to report suspicions of fraud to council, as well as officers.
Since the report was produced, the number of allegations increased to 25.
Work is being done by SAFS with the housing team looking at the right-to-buy scheme and how it is administered by WHBC, to identify or prevent any money laundering occurring.New processes were introduced and SAFS officers had undertaken an additional review once applications accepted by WHBC. No money laundering had been identified, nor suspicions of money laundering or fraud regarding this year’s applications. Some historic applications have also been reviewed.
SAFS are working with officers to review output from national fraud initiative (NFI). In March, Members were given an overview of what NFI is and how it works. The NFI produced 1294 matches for WHBC. Officers review matches to identify whether it is fraud, an error, an administrative change, or no action is required.
361 matches have been reviewed, identifying £47,000 of savings or potential revenue for WHBC. The savings or potential revenue came from 26 of what are presently classified errors, no actual fraud identified at moment. 17 further matters presently under review with SAFS.
The Council joined the Hertfordshire FraudHub this year, which works the same as the NFI, but work on a quarterly cycle rather than a 2-year cycle. Every 3 months, the Council's data is taken, reviewed and matched. Data analytics are then used to identify whether any fraud had occurred in the previous three months from the data. SAFS are currently reviewing over 4,000 matches from the activity and taken data from areas such as:
Large amounts of data are being reviewed which will produce a large number of false positives.Therefore, the volume of data needs reviewing to identify any fraud and fix any errors in data.Next quarter, SAFS would then expect a lower volume of output from that to be undertaken. Work is also being done with the Revenues Team.Analyse Local software assists SAFS ... view the full minutes text for item 17. |