Report of the Corporate Director (Public Protection, Planning and Governance) to consider an application for a premises licence.
The Licensing Officer presented a report which informed Members of an application for the showing of films and the sale of alcohol from 12.00 to 23.00 Monday to Sunday.
No representations were received from the police, environmental health or any local residents.
One representation has been received from North Mymms Parish Council, objecting to the application under each of the four licensing objectives. This representation remains unresolved so the representation was brought to the sub-committee.
One of the three co-chairs of the PTA (Laura) was in attendance as the licence applicant. She explained that the school is currently applying for Temporary Event Notices for each event they hold and the aim of the premises licence is to reduce administration of the events they hold in order to fundraise for the school, not to increase the number of events held. Currently an average of six events are held each year; including quiz nights, summer fete, talent show and fireworks. The numbers of attendees at these events ranges from a couple of hundred to around a thousand; the largest event being the annual fireworks display which has maximum capacity of 2000.
The hours requested on the licence application are to enable the variety of events at different times of days. Events are often in the daytime and rarely would be late into the evening. The PTA are currently considering the option of holding outdoor film nights in the summer.
Policies are in place regarding the sale of alcohol, including not selling to people who are inebriated and for school staff to not drink at these events. None of the events are designed with alcohol as the main draw and all events which include sale of alcohol also include food.
At 14.13 the sub-committee retired to consider its decision.
At 14.40 the meeting was recalled.
The Chairman advised that the sub-committee considered the application, the representation from North Mymms Parish Council and the information provided by the applicant.
The sub-committee considered the licensing objectives of the prevention of crime and disorder, public safety, the prevention of public nuisance and the protection of children from harm, these have all been raised in the representation from North Mymms Parish Council. It also considered the national guidance and the Council’s Licensing Policy.
The sub-committee considered the area of the premises, situated at the end of a no-through road with residential properties nearby.
The sub-committee took into account that the intention was for the PTA to run fundraising events for the school, roughly six events per year. It was not the intention to run events every day or for the full eleven hours at a time. The application is to allow flexibility for the school to run the various events throughout the year.
The sub-committee took into account that the school have been previously running these events and it not aware of any previous complaints about the running of the events. No residents have raised any objection to the application that is being made.
The sub-committee took account that previously the school has applied for temporary event notices and this application is intended to save administrative time.
The sub-committee took into account that neither the police nor Environmental Health have raised any objections in relation to the application and the committee
To grant the licence as per the application, mindful of the fact that if any issues arise the local residents or responsible authorities can bring a review of the licence which will bring the licence back to committee.
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