Report of the Head of Environment on the proposal for a traffic regulation order within the Peartree Ward
Report of the Head of Environment on the proposed traffic regulation orders “The Borough of Welwyn Hatfield (Various Roads, Peartree, Welwyn Garden City) (Restriction of Waiting Places and Permit Parking Zones) Order 2021” and “The Borough of Welwyn Hatfield (Various Roads, Peartree, Welwyn Garden City) (Prohibition of Stopping and Waiting on Verge or Footway) Order 2021”. Officers stated that the zone was northeast of Broadwater road. 386 households were consulted, 166 responses were received with the majority favourable. There were 43 objections from five households. There were three comments of support for the proposed times of 8am to 6pm, Monday to Saturday.
Members stated that the engagement from officers from the parking team was excellent.
Members stated there was not an issue with the introduction of parking restrictions in the area, notably supporting the verge protection and safe parking order. The issue laid with permit parking and the proposed timings as they felt it would create a barrier to residents receiving visitors or guests. Members felt this would impact elderly residents the most. Members proposed a single longer period of restrictions or two shorter hours of restrictions. Officers stated that all day restrictions were common across the borough and easier to manage. In addition, the residents with permits would not need to worry about parking. Officers informed Members of the anticipated future pressures for parking in the area. Officers stated that commuter patterns were different, and that people were parking to head into the town centre.
Members asked if there was a “scratch card” permit scheme which would help residents and their guests’ park. Officers stated that a virtual system was already in place that entailed a small fee. The parking restrictions were designed for non-residents.
Members sought a trial of restrictions with a review in six months. Officers stated their proposal was the best solution as the situation may change in that time.
Members felt the response rate was too low to make a decision as roughly 70% did not respond which would make it unfair to impose restrictions. Members suggested a re-consultation. Officers stated that the response rate was acceptable in a consultation, and that many people remain silent and chose not to express their views if they did not hold strong opinions or were broadly in favour of the proposals. Members and Officers questioned whether a re-consultation would change the outcome.
Members asked about the cost and time of another consultation and whether the Officers looked at all options. Officers stated that time, rather than cost, was the bigger consideration. Dedicating more time to this would prevent Officers moving onto other areas in the work programme. Officers proposed several start and finish time, with the majority of residents asking for 8am to 6pm.
Members asked about the new ANPR vehicles, stating they should help with enforcement.
(5 in favour, 5 against, 3 abstentions)
The chair cast the deciding vote against
A) That Members the objections received in paragraph 4 in addition to the issues raised in paragraph 16 around equalities and diversity and recommend to Cabinet to proceed with the creation of the traffic regulation orders as advertised.
The Chair asked Officers to come back with shorter time restrictions to be compared against all day restrictions.
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