To elect the Mayor for the Municipal Year 2022/23.
The retiring Mayor will present the Civic Awards for 2022.
Nominations were invited for the election of the Mayor of the Borough of Welwyn Hatfield for the Municipal Year 2022/23.
It was moved and seconded by Councillors J.Boulton and A.Hellyer that Councillor B.Fitzsimon be elected. The retiring Mayor then asked if there were any other nominations. There being no other nominations, it was
That Councillor B.Fitzsimon be elected Mayor of the Borough of Welwyn Hatfield for the Municipal Year 2022/23.
The retiring Mayor presented the Borough Civic Awards for 2022 in partnership with Mears and the University of Hertfordshire.
The retiring Mayor presented the following awards for 2022:-
• Harley Lieberman in recognition of his hard work undertaken at Hatfield Men’s Shed where he volunteers. He supports the other shed members, particularly the younger members like himself and also sharing his considerable joinery expertise on woodwork projects.
• Mayo Vondee in recognition of her contribution to pro bono work undertaken at the Hertfordshire Law School. Mayo also volunteers to work in the Hertfordshire Law Clinic when it opened in October 2019 which enables members of the public to obtain one-off verbal or written legal advice in a range of areas including employment, family and housing law.
• Cherie Button and Joy Chance in recognition for their work supporting the residents of Welwyn Garden City. Since the restrictions had been relaxed last year, they support the local community by simply sitting outside the Howard Centre, saying hello and talking to people to brighten up their day. They also have a Facebook page “Cherie and Joy - we grow community”.
The retiring Mayor presented the 2022 Mears Community Award to Martin Connolly in recognition for the work he had undertaken during the Covid-19 pandemic vaccination programme. Martin is a volunteer who has led a team of volunteer marshals that enabled the delivery of the vaccine programme in Hatfield from the beginning of January 2021. His cheerful demeanour in all weathers put everyone, particularly nervous participants, at ease.
The retiring Mayor invited G.Ward, Dean of Students, to present the University of Hertfordshire young person award to Joy Ifarimoyo for her contribution as a midwifery student in helping others, both as a site representative for peers at her placement at Barnet hospital and as a midwifery ambassador to course applicants.
The retiring Mayor, on behalf of Welwyn Hatfield Borough Council, thanked both Mears and the University of Hertfordshire for their continued support as sponsors of the civic awards.
The retiring Mayor spoke about his time as Mayor of Welwyn Hatfield.
The retiring Mayor reported that he had raised £9,500 for his charity during his year of office, Just One Click Away, JOCA. The Mayor presented a cheque to representatives of his charity.
The retiring Mayor thanked Mrs Hebden for her patience and tolerance for attending evening events. The retiring Mayor thanked colleagues in the Council for their help and Councillor colleagues for their support including attending Charity events.
The retiring Mayor thanked Councillor B.Fitzsimon as his Deputy for her support during the year and presented her with a gift.
The retiring Mayor thanked S.Houghton, Member and Mayor Liaison Officer for her help during the year and presented her with a gift.
The retiring Mayor then vacated the Chair which was taken by Councillor B.Fitzsimon.
Councillor B.Fitzsimon made the formal Declaration of Acceptance of Office as
Mayor pursuant to Section 83 of the Local Government Act 1972.
(Councillor B.Fitzsimon in the Chair)
The Mayor thanked Councillors J.Boulton and A.Hellyer for nominating her and expressed that it will be an honour to serve the community again as the Mayor of Welwyn Hatfield Borough, having served as Mayor previously in 2018-2019.
The Mayor also thanked County Councillor Peter Hebden for all of the excellent work he did during his time as Mayor. The Mayor presented him with the Past Mayor’s Medal and album of his time in office.
The Leader of the Council, Councillor T.Kingsbury, expressed his thanks to the retiring Mayor for his service as Mayor of the Borough and also congratulated B.Fitzsimon on her appointment as Mayor.