Presentation from Hertfordshire County Council officers.
Councillors received a presentation from Andy Sweeney, Strategy and
Project Manager at Hertfordshire County Council. The presentation
included the
following points:
The Public Realm project in Stonehills was completed in 2021, this included revised parking bays, a turning circle, and a pedestrianised area. A vegan market was the first event held there and was very well attended.
There was an update on the Hunters Bridge Cycleway. This is a segregated two-lane cycle way and should be low maintenance. The lane will be taking up previous road space. There will be a new verge near the subway.
WGC phase 2 works will be starting in late Jan / early Feb 2023. Works are expected to complete July/Aug 2023, but this is subject to change. Changes will include pavement level crossings across the carriageway, linking with green spaces, cycle connectivity from Stonehills, through Fretherne Road onto the wider cycle network, and re-paving the link paths across Howardsgate, (replacing damaged slabs and recycling pavers where possible).
Work will be dealt with as quickly as possible but there will be disruption, so communication of this work is key. A core communications group has been set up which includes HCC Comms Officers, Project Sponsor, Design and Build Teams, WHBC Officers, BID Officers, and the Passenger Transport Unit. HCC have visited and listened to businesses and will be writing to them and residents. Media avenues include social media, press releases, Internal HCC, and WHBC intranets, On the Move publications, and WHBC ONE magazine. Ongoing consultation will be important.
Councillors raised the following points:
Concern in raising roadway level to footway level as it does put pedestrians at risk with HGVs that could override the pavement. HCC said the design has been through their safety team. There is no intention to put up rails or big kerbs as this would impact the streetscene.
Concern about proposals for Parkway that take away its Garden City ethos of straight lines, and that the narrowing of the carriageway would make future sporting events difficult. HCC said they have contacted La Petit Tour and they don’t see an issue with this. HCC said they will make contact again to confirm.
Concerns about the roundabout junction at Broadwater and pedestrian safety. HCC advised of their plans to increase the footway widths, and the narrowing
of the carriageway to help pedestrians cross. The cycle ways will continue down to the Peartree roundabouts. There is also a plan for a bus lane over the bridge, and to include a lot more greenery. The designs are still in draft and are subject to change.
The Ayot Way cycle path can only be accessed from the back of
Campus West, Councillors asked if any thoughts had been given to
link this path to the cycle ways. HCC said it had been part of the
conversation, but due to a limited budget it was important to
initially develop a route to create a key link
from one side of WGC to the other. If in future, there is any further funding available then this could be tied in.
HCC and WHBC have a Local Cycling and Walking Infrastructure Plan (LCWIP) which considers these wider links. Feedback is currently being reviewed and this will be taken through the democratic process; this is linked to government funding.
Concern was raised about safety of pedestrians crossing the road, and the shared pedestrian and cycle paths. HCC said the converted staggered crossing to a straight crossing will help, along with the narrowed width of the road at the Broadwater end and increased traffic island space. HCC said having enough space for segregated cycle ways is always going to be difficult. The designs are as close to LTN 1 20 compliant as possible.
HCC confirmed that at the Broadwater junction they did a real-life trial over several weeks where signals were turned off and lanes were narrowed. They found that the expected traffic congestion didn’t happen. HCC noted there is provision for a bus lane approaching the junction from the town centre.
WHBC officers said they have received positive feedback on the Stonehills project so this is a good example of what can be done.
Concern raised about parking in the town centre. HCC advised that minimal parking spaces will be removed in the centre of town. Hunters Bridge Car Park has ample parking, and it would be preferable for visitors to use the car parks, making air quality better and reducing the cars circulating in the town centre.