The Executive Director (Resident Services and
Climate Change) introduced the report and took the meeting through
a presentation which is attached to these minutes.
Members raised the following points:
- A member asked how many instances
there had been this year when residents were charged for having
their garden maintained and how much income had been raised as a
result. Officers said notice could be served if tenants were not
maintaining their garden and they could seek recovery of the costs
although they would take into account any vulnerabilities of the
tenant before doing so. It would be difficult to ascertain how
often this happened and what the charges were but incidents like
this were rare. The member felt it would be helpful to have income
data on this as it was a regular complaint from
- A member asked how garden
maintenance was monitored. Officers said neighbourhood officers
carried out inspections and tenancy audits on a rolling programme
which would identify such issues which were also identified by
neighbour and/or councillor complaints, and then took appropriate
- A member asked whether general
tenants could be offered the opportunity to pay for garden
maintenance (the garden assistance service offered support to
residents who needed it). Officers said they were exploring a
paid-for service with the contractor.
- A member noted that a consultation
had been carried out with 8,800 tenanted properties on the proposed
revised tenancy agreement and asked about the remaining homes.
Officers advised that the figure for tenanted properties
fluctuated, some properties were used as non-secure properties for
temporary accommodation, and the agreement did not apply to
leaseholders. The consultation was also only in relation to secure
- The Tenants’ Panel Chair
reflected that when consultations were sent out it would be helpful
to give a longer response time. Officers said lessons had been
learned and in future texts as well as letters would be sent,
meaning residents could be immediately directed to the website and
more time allowed for post.
- The Tenants’ Panel Chair felt
it would be useful for the Council to consider its own grounds
maintenance. Officers responded that grounds maintenance had been
considered by a recent task and finish group.
The Panel:
Noted the content of the report; and
Recommended the revised tenancy agreement for approval by