Report of the Assistant Director (Planning)
The Development Management Services Manager introduced the application seeking planning permission for public realm enhancements including a new layout, landscaping, paving, play equipment, lighting and street furniture. The proposal also involves alterations to land levels to remove the barrier between the shops and the open space following the demolition of the existing redundant market trading hut. The application was before the committee because the Assistant Director (Planning) considered it prudent for the application to be considered by Development Management Committee.
There were no registered speakers for this item.
During the discussion the following points were raised:
· Members were pleased that Hatfield Town Centre was getting the same due care and attention as Welwyn Garden City.
· A member raised an issue in the report regarding the bus interchange due to four separate stops being required for different routes and whether it was going to make it complicated for people.
· The Development Management Services Manager explained that it would actually make it easier for people to get to the bus stop.
· A member asked if shopkeepers had been consulted and whether officers thought any of them would attempt to claim compensation.
· The Development Management Services Manager, Planning responded that compensation claims were not a planning matter. He confirmed that local shopkeepers have been consulted as part of the planning process. The proposed changes would make it easier for people to access the shops.
· A member voice disappointment that there will no longer be public toilets if talking about making life easier especially for parents and older people. Also there will be lots of waste bin. In the green spaces belonging to Hatfield Town Council bins have phone numbers on for people to call in if a bin is full and needs emptying, it would be good if the Borough had a similar policy. She also voiced concerns that the railings should be kept parallel with Queensway as talk of removal of railings behind the bus stop could allow children to rush into the road.
· The development management services Manager state it was not part of the proposal to include toilets. Officers viewed it acceptable without. Process of waste collection is another council department’s remit to manage. In terms of the railings, a lot of railings have been removed and the proposal is to open the area but it won’t be as simple for children to run into the road.
· Members asked if there will be a maintenance plan to ensure the facilities are kept looking nice.
· The confirmed there is a condition request in a management maintenance plan which will be required to be submitted before this is constructed.
· A member asked if the trees will be maintained.
· The Development Management Services Manager confirmed that some will be lost, but there would be additional trees planted.
· A Member asked if there will be a cycle way along the path as he felt the area was too small an area and could be hazardous.
· The Development Management Services Manager responded that it has not been designed to be a cycle way and there are still areas with stairs so it would be difficult for cyclists.
(For 11, Against 1, Abstain 0)
That planning permission be granted subject to the conditions set out in the report.
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