The Principal The Principal Planner
(Implementation) introduced the supplementary planning document. A
Development Framework SPD, containing development principles for
the Marshmoor site (also referred to as the Hatfield Innovation
Campus by the Landowner for marketing purposes) has been prepared
by the Landowner and their consultant team, in collaboration with
officers from Welwyn Hatfield Borough Council and Hertfordshire
County Council. These principles ensure the site is planned
comprehensively to deliver a high-quality employment site and to
ensure that the site integrates as well as possible with the rest
of Welham Green. The document has been prepared in line with the
Council’s Approach to Master planning Guidance note which was
endorsed by the Council in March 2024.
During the discussion the following points
were raised:
- A Member raised a point regarding
flooding within the report and suggested members of the public
would like to be reassured about the flooding risk.
- The Principal Planner
(Implementation) replied that within the draft SPD there is a
flooding map constraints plan. The flooding plan identifies areas
most sensitive to flooding in particular the southern area around
the smaller of the two parcels which is the closer of the two to
the station. This would inform future
development and would not be developed on, as per the policy
- A Member raised a part of the
proposal stating that housing should be for employees, and it
should be affordable and asked for clarification.
- The Principal Planner
(Implementation) responded that the housing would not be part of
the borough’s normal housing supply. The Landowner has an
aspiration for accommodation reserved for people working on the
site and it would become part of the offer for people working on
the site. Specifically, for those on some sort of placement or
short-term contract, instead of having to look for somewhere to
rent for six months they can be offered accommodation as part of
their package.
- A Member asked if the accommodation
would be owned by whoever buys the Industrial units.
- The Principal Planner
(Implementation) responded that there would not be industrial
units, the site is for science and innovation. He further explained
that the dwellings would be in the same ownership and tied to the
employment use through a legal agreement.
- A Member asked for clarification
regarding the land no longer being considered green belt.
- The Principal Planner
(Implementation) explained that until the local plan was adopted
the green belt boundary was the railway line, so it started at the
railway line and included part of the site. The site was promoted
by the Landowner for employment, and it was seen to be the most
appropriate way of meeting the employment requirement through the
plan period. The green belt boundary was moved and is now the road
rather than the railway line and the whole site has been removed
from the greenbelt as a result of the adoption of the local
- A Member requested that when the
public engagement event occurs to make sure it is at a place and
time where it will engage as much of the public as possible and to
let councillors know about the engagement so they can encourage as
many residents to come as possible.
- The Principal Planner
(Implementation) confirmed they have been in touch with the
Landowner and are looking to use the Memorial Hall in Welham Green
in the afternoon and evening on a date to be confirmed. This would
allow for a large group of users to be able to attend.
- The Planning & Policy
Implementation Manager explained that the Parish Council have sent
a representative to the liaison group, and they have offered to
help with promoting the engagement event also.
The Cabinet Planning and Parking Panel
unanimously agreed to recommend to Cabinet that
a) the
Marshmoor Masterplan, as detailed in Appendix A, be taken forward
for public consultation for a period of six weeks.
b) any subsequent
minor amendments and editing changes that do not materially affect
the content prior to consultation be delegated to Assistant
Director (Planning) in consultation with the Executive Member for
Planning; and
c) if unanimously
agreed by the Panel, for the decision to be taken by the executive
ember using their delegated powers under paragraph 18.1(b) of the
Cabinet procedure rules.