Agenda item

Performance Update Quarter 3 Update 24/25

Report of the Assistant Director (Leisure, community and cultural services)



The Assistant Director (Leisure, Community and Cultural Services) took the meeting through the report as set out in the agenda pack.


The following points were made during the discussion:

  • A member noted that the Nutcracker screenings had been cancelled in December 2024 and not all customers had been informed. Officers explained the server had blown up just before a performance and it had not been possible to salvage it. Staff had contacted as many customers as possible but did not have contact details for them all and some may not have answered their phone. if contact details were provided, staff were happy to contact any customer who had been due to attend the event and would provide a voucher as well as a refund. A new system meant that tickets booked would now be linked to customers’ email addresses, making it easier to contact them should a similar situation recur.
  • A member commended the work taking place and spoke positively about the uptake in skate lessons, the convenience of the digital Zebra card and the positive Net Promoter Score (NPS). Another member agreed on the importance of diversifying what Campus West can offer and welcomed the work that had taken place on this. 
  • A member welcomed the fact that staffing levels were low yet customer satisfaction levels were high.
  • A member was pleased to see the breakdown in pantomime costs and that this was becoming more profitable. He also welcomed the fact that 86% of Zebra card holders had bought a ticket and/or food and beverages.
  • It was asked whether the server blowing up might impact on costs for the next quarter. Officers advised these costs had been established within next year’s capital programme and so had been brought forward.
  • A member asked what the new digital Zebra card and new ticketing system meant for customers. Officers explained the new ticketing system made use of QR codes meaning customers no longer needed a physical ticket, although customers who found this difficult had been helped to have a QR code placed onto a physical card. User data meant that customers could be targeted appropriately for particular events and activities. Self-serve kiosks would soon be an option, meaning customers will be able to select their screen, seat and pay without interacting with staff.
  • A member noted the importance of new cinema releases to Campus West and officers advised there would be some new Disney films coming out.
  • A member asked why the escape room had moved venue and officers advised that the purpose-built facility on the tower at Campus West could run all year, meaning the venue could capitalise on food and beverage sales.
  • A member asked how people would find out about Mill Green Museum and Roman Baths.  Officers said they featured in Visit Herts and One Magazine and social media posts promoted activities there.


The Chair noted there had been 180 nominations for the community awards which illustrated how many people in the borough were passionate about making things better.


The Committee noted the report.

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