Report of the Assistant Director (Planning).
Principal Planning Policy Officer introduced a report setting out the outcomes of the examination of the council’s Community Infrastructure Levy (CIL) and seeking to formally approve and publish the Council’s CIL Charging Schedule, in accordance with Regulation 25 of the CIL Regulations 2010 (as
amended). The report advised that, subject to council adoption on 12 March 2025, the Welwyn Hatfield CIL Charging Schedule will take effect on the 01 October 2025. This date is informed by an ongoing programme of work to set up all necessary guidance, administrative and financial systems and processes for CIL implementation.
The report summarised the preparation process that was required to produce the
CIL Charging Schedule and the stages of consultation and formal examination that were involved. It set out how formal adoption by the council is now required
in order to commence and implement CIL.
The report provided Members with an update as to the consideration of governance arrangements and a commitment for this to be the subject of a future committee report within the next 12 months.
During the discussion the following points were raised:
· A Member asked a question regarding spending of the strategic pot of CIL and what the process was going to be and if it would be coming back to this committee.
· Principal Planning Policy Officer responded it would come to this committee in the first instance. It is about governance arrangements, about how money has been accrued and how decisions are made on how it might be spent.
· A Member asked if the minutia of detail will come to this committee or would it be driven by governance and officers.
· Principal Planning Policy Officer responded that what would be brought to this committee in the first instance is a process for deciding spend. For example, bodies that wish to provide infrastructure would need to go through an application process and Members will see the principles of how that application process would work, how any such application is assessed and how a decision is taken.
· A Member commented that it is a welcome decision by the council to set the neighbourhood portion equally to Parish authorities regardless of whether they have a neighbourhood plan or not.
· A Member commented that is nice to see this coming to fruition. It’s been in various parts through this panel from the charging schedule to minor amendments to do with charities and the town centre.
RESOLVED: Unanimous
That Cabinet Planning and Parking Panel recommends to Cabinet and Council that:
a) The Community Infrastructure Levy Charging Schedule (Appendix A) is adopted with a target implementation date of 01 October 2025.
b) The Instalment Policy (Appendix B) is adopted with a target implementation date of 01 October 2025.
c) Delegate authority to the Assistant Director (Planning), in consultation with Executive Member, for any necessary further minor editorial changes to the Charging Schedule or Instalment Policy and a change to the implementation date if necessary.
d) Governance options and arrangements for the priorities and spending of ‘Strategic CIL’ receipts be brought to CPPP and Cabinet in the next 12 months.
e) The ‘Neighbourhood Proportion’ of CIL be set at 25% (uncapped) for all Parish and Town Councils regardless of whether a Neighbourhood Plan in in place.
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