Report of the Assistant Director (Regeneration and Economic Development).
The Parking & Playground Services Manager introduced a report setting out the results of the consultation survey, and feedback received pertaining to Hatfield South and East that commenced in June 2023, the statutory consultation including objections.
The report also set out the results of the review period, and feedback received
pertaining to High Dells and Hilltop parking restrictions, the statutory consultation
including objections and the recommended course of action.
A total of fifty-one objections were received relating to the proposed orders. These objections include forty-four from the Hatfield South and East consultation area (total of 1,882 properties) and four from the High Dells and Hilltop parking restrictions review. Three objections were from the same households and one objection came from outside of the consultation area.
During the discussion the following points were raised:
· A Member asked for confirmation of the numbers of objections to properties.
· The Parking & Playground Services Manager responded there were 51 objections in total. 44 in relation to Hatfield and Southeast consultation area and 4 from Hilltop and High Dells parking restrictions. Section 7 shows the objection points where objections made on the same grounds were consolidated in one objection point.
· The Member then asked how many properties.
· The Parking & Playground Services Manager answered 1,882 properties.
· The Member commented this is testament of how needed this has been and it’s been a difficult journey with parking in this part of Hatfield. Travellers Lane is heavily damaged and in need of care and this is the first step in order to repair this and make South Hatfield feel the love that other places in our borough has felt for decades. The member went on to thank the councillors of all three wards for their contribution.
· A Member asked a question regarding stopping commercial vehicles parking and whether this related to resident’s commercial vehicles.
· The Assistant Director (Regeneration & Economic Development) responded that there would be some commercial vehicles that don’t qualify for a resident permit depending on size, for example a HGV would not quality for a resident permit.
· A Member wanted to thank the officers for including all ward councillors in these negotiations. Not everyone will respond to surveys but will talk to councillors on the doorstep to help make more informed decisions.
· A Member commented that a number of residents in Roe Green had said that parking had worsened in their road and asked if it could be included in the scheme.
· The Assistant Director (Regeneration & Economic Development) responded that it would not be able to be included in this scheme but there would be potential for CPPP the next time the parking works program is set to instruct to carry out a consultation there.
· A Member commented that a High Dells resident had complained of parking on High Dell’s garage forecourt and a decision was made to restrict the parking there with double yellow lines, whereas a resident of Indells did the same thing and there wasn’t a proposal to put double yellow lines and asked why there would be a difference.
· The Assistant Director (Regeneration & Economic Development) responded that the garage forecourts are not part of the public highway but qualify as privately owned land albeit is owned by the council but as such parking services don’t have the ability to implement double yellow lines without the permission of the landowner. In this instance the landowner would be the managing department at the council, and they would assess that based on commercial considerations and that would mainly be based on whether they feel that double yellow lines would aid in letting the garages or hinder in letting them.
· The Member then asked what a resident could do if someone parks in front of their garage.
· The Assistant Director (Regeneration & Economic Development) responded they can call police if they are being restricted from accessing private property however, police response will depend on resources and may not rank as high priority.
· The Parking & Playground Services Manager added that if a vehicle is reported to the council they will try to establish if the vehicle is known as someone renting the garage but if it is an obstruction it is something the police have powers to deal with.
· A Member asked for clarification of figures within the report that suggested there had been 237 responses from 1 household, Page 327 – section 3.2.
· The Assistant Director (Regeneration & Economic Development) replied that this figure was from the same households as other registered comments so effectively duplicate comments. Only one is taken per household to avoid giving more weight but it could have been phrased better in the report.
· A Member spoke about the problems that are anticipated by residents in other parts of the borough with the imminent implantation of the general Footway Prohibition Orders, making it impossible for some of them to park and asked for reassurance that similar problems are not going to be caused by this scheme. There are going to be situations where this acts against the ability of people to park near their homes and the Member asked if that has been cleared in this case so that residents won’t be asking where they are going to be able to park their car.
· The Assistant Director (Regeneration & Economic Development) responded saying the reduction in non-resident parking will increase the parking capacity for residents rather than decrease it. If there are issues there is a review period in which to look at minor amendments to the scheme to accommodate any unanticipated issues.
The Borough of Welwyn Hatfield (Various Roads, Hatfield South and East, Hatfield) (Restriction of Waiting and Permit Parking Zones) Order 202X
That the Panel considers the objections received in Section 7 in addition to the issues raised in Section 18 around equalities and diversity and recommends to Cabinet to proceed with the creation of the traffic regulation order as advertised; and to note the delegated powers conferred to Executive Member for Environment to sign an executive member decision to proceed with the creation of the traffic regulation order as advertised, subject to unanimous recommendation of the Panel. - Unanimous
The Borough of Welwyn Hatfield (Various Roads, Hatfield South and East, Hatfield) (Prohibition of Stopping and Waiting on Verge or Footway) Order 202X
That the Panel considers the objections received in Section 7 in addition to the issues raised in Section 18 around equalities and diversity and recommends to Cabinet to proceed with the creation of the traffic regulation order as advertised; and to note the delegated powers conferred to Executive Member for Environment to sign an executive member decision to proceed with the creation of the traffic regulation order as advertised, subject to unanimous recommendation of the Panel. - Unanimous
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