Report of the Assistant Director (Regeneration and Economic Development).
The Parking & Playground Services Manager introduced a report recommending the implementation of parking restrictions that would limit the maximum stay to 4 hours with no return within 4 hours between the hours of 8am and 6pm, Monday to Sunday and for the bays to be restricted to electric vehicles only. This was in relation to the following sites: Aldbury Grove, Birchwood Leisure Centre, King George V Playing Fields, Longmead, Moneyhole Car Park, Russett House and Thundridge Close. It set out the statutory consultation and the recommended course of action.
Parking restrictions are being introduced only in two bays at each of these locations initially. Should they wish to increase this, officers will again consult with councillors.
During the discussion the following points were raised:
· A Member asked for clarification regarding the restricted hours between 8am – 6pm, would be four hours but then people can leave to charge for longer after 6pm and overnight.
· The Parking & Playground Services Manager confirmed that was the case.
· A Member asked if there was a report of where the most popular charging spots are and the most used and how much EV chargers are used.
· The Parking & Playground Services Manager responded that they have nothing to advise on at this time, but it was something they could look into.
· A Member commented that the borough has been ahead in terms of EV charging for some years and asked for confirmation that these parking restrictions only affected the EV charging sites and not the other parking spaces in the area.
· The Parking & Playground Services Manager confirmed that it did just relate to the EV charging spaces.
· A Member commented that there had been nothing in the report stating that this only related to two bays in each location and asked that it was noted in the minutes. She added that four of these locations are in Panshanger and it is unfortunate as a ward councillor for Panshanger that she hadn’t been given the opportunity to engage with these installation plans at any point.
· A Member followed on the point about the specifics of two bays per parking area and asked if it is a TRO should it not have to show where the bays are on the documents because it doesn’t at the moment.
· The Parking & Playground Services Manager responded that the Traffic Regulation Order sets out that any bays within the area marked on the plan as an EV charging bay, once the bay is marked it is compliant with the TRO.
· The Member went on to ask in that scenario what is there to stop the council putting all EV charging bays in the whole of that area because the TRO would cover the whole of that area.
· The Parking & Playground Services Manager confirmed they were only looking for two bays.
· The Chair asked that this be minuted as it appears too loose.
· A Member asked what sort of governance was in place regarding chargers that were not working, who can residents complain to and if there was a way that this could be monitored.
· The Parking & Playground Services Manager responded that these chargers are not owned by the council and therefore any issues should be reported to the company. The chargers have QR codes as well as other contact information where issues can be reported.
· The Member went on to ask if the council has any data available that shows how many chargers have been reported not working.
· The Parking & Playground Services Manager offered to request this information and provide after the meeting
RESOLVED Unanimous
That the Panel considers the objections received in Section 5 in addition to the issues raised in Section 16 around equalities and diversity and recommends to Cabinet to proceed with creation of the advertised traffic regulation order as set in Sections 3 of this report; and to note the delegated powers conferred to Executive Member for Environment to sign an executive member decision to
proceed with the creation of the traffic regulation order, subject to unanimous
recommendation of the Panel.
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