The report of the Corporate Director (Resources, Environment and Cultural Services) provides the Committee with the performance indicator data collected for those services that fall within its remit. It provides Quarter 4 and Annual data for 2018-19. The presentation also shows performance indicators that Directors, Heads of Service and Portfolio Holders have agreed for collection and reporting for the new financial year.
The report of the Corporate Director (Resources, Environment and Cultural Services) set out the performance date collected for those services that fell within its remit. It provided Quarter 4 and annual data for 2018-19, along with comparative information.
The presentation also showed the performance indicators that Directors, Heads of Service and Portfolio Holders had agreed for collection and reporting for the new financial year.
Taken together the report and the presentation enabled the Committee to identify which Council services were improving, not improving or remaining the same in their key performance areas. Service team comments were also included to explain the performance shown, along with any further action needed.
The Committee noted that most performance indicators were achieved except for key performance indicator 18, 58, 49 and 50.
Members discussed particular performance indicators of interest which included the following:
PI 18 – The Percentage of Household waste collect and sent for reuse, recycling and composting.
Members were pleased that the rate had increased and that the target had been increased by 2% although felt it could still be higher. They were also pleased that additional collections would take place such as for food waste, small electrical items and textiles.
Officers clarified that there would be small kerbside caddy for foody collected from September 2020, and that small electrical items and textiles could be placed in a plastic bag next to a residents bin for collection.
PI 43 – The percentage of “Operation Reprise” callers provided with advice.
Members felt that the achievement of 100% was fantastic news.
PI 50 - The percentage of corporate emergency plans/documents that were reviewed and assessed as compliant.
Members enquired as to the 20% of plans that were outstanding and the Head of Public Health and Protection subsequently circulated the information following the meeting.
PI 51 – The average examination pass rates for candidates attending Council run food hygiene courses.
Members enquired as to why the target dropped from 10% last year.
The Head of Public Health and Protection advised the Committee that one of the reasons was that a high proportion of businesses were failing due to English not being their first language and subsequently circulated a more detailed explanation following the meeting.
Members asked the Chairman to ensure that all Committee Members received answers to their questions via email.
PI 7- Process all local licenses (including alcohol, premises, animal establishments) within the stated timescales.
Members were pleased with the 100% attainment for this indicator.
PI 22 – The percentage of reported/justified missed bins per quarter
Members asked whether the Committee could receive a report on the penalties under the new contract. Officers agreed to circulate information following the meeting on items the Council would be penalising for under the new contract. Since the request, the information was subsequently passed to the Streetscene Mobilisation Board for their review as part of the mobilisation of the new contracts.
PI 23 – Completion rate of all tree maintenance work within the planned programme.
Members were pleased with the figures which were at 100% and had exceeded their target, however concern was expressed about the incident where the wrong trees were felled and Officers agreed that the Landscape and Ecology Manager would circulate a response following the meeting. This was subsequently done via email by the Procurement Manager 25 June 2019.
PI 49 – The net number of additional homes provided in the borough
Members were keen to find out the number of official homes provided. The Corporate Director (Planning, Public Protection and Governance) advised the Committee that the Council’s Local Plan was being voluntarily scrutinised and once it was adopted the target would be reviewed.
(1) That the Committee noted the performance indicator data collected and reported.
(2) That the Committee discuss and agree any feedback to be provided to the Council’s service teams on the trends shown in these performance indicators.
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