Committee details

Welwyn Hatfield Highways Liaison Meeting

Purpose of committee

Local County Councillors are responsible for deciding how a proportion of highways funding is spent in their areas - this is known as the Highways Locality Budget. Exactly how much funding is decided each year.


The Highways Locality Budgets are primarily intended for highway maintenance including road resurfacing, pavement repairs, drainage clearing but can also be used to support traffic calming schemes, smaller projects and works such as hedge trimming, sign cleaning and white line painting. The total amount of funding is relatively modest in highways terms and is likely to support fewer than ten projects per Councillor.


At the Highways Liaison Meetings County Councillors will be discussing highways plans and issues with their District, Town and Parish counterparts. Residents are also encouraged to get in touch with their County Councillors if they have any ideas for highways improvements in their local areas.



Contact information

Support officer: Democratic Services.
