Venue: Council Chamber, Council Offices, The Campus, Welwyn Garden City, Herts, AL8 6AE
Contact: Democratic Services
No. | Item |
MINUTES To confirm as a correct record the Minutes of the meeting held on 4th February 2025 (previously circulated). Additional documents: |
APOLOGIES Additional documents: |
PUBLIC QUESTION TIME AND PETITIONS Up to thirty minutes will be made available for questions from members of the public on issues relating to the work of the Cabinet and to receive any petitions. Additional documents: |
ACTIONS STATUS REPORT Report of the Executive Director (Finance and Transformation) on the status of actions agreed at the last Cabinet meeting. Additional documents: |
DECLARATIONS OF INTERESTS BY MEMBERS To note declarations of Members’ disclosable pecuniary interests, non-disclosable pecuniary interests and non-pecuniary interests in respect of items on the Agenda. Additional documents: |
ITEMS for recommendation to Full Council To consider the following items: Additional documents: |
FP2113 Community Infrastructure Levy (CIL) Adoption Recommendation from CPPP on 18th February 2025: Additional documents: Decision: DECISION TAKEN:
Cabinet Recommended to Full Council: a) The Community Infrastructure Levy Charging Schedule (Appendix A) is adopted with a target implementation date of 01 October 2025 b) The Instalment Policy (Appendix B) is adopted with a target implementation date of 01 October 2025. c) Delegate authority to the Assistant Director (Planning), in consultation with Executive Member, for any necessary further minor editorial changes to the Charging Schedule or Instalment Policy and a change to the implementation date if necessary. d) Governance options and arrangements for the priorities and spending of ‘Strategic CIL’ receipts be brought to CPPP and Cabinet in the next 12 months. e) The ‘Neighbourhood Proportion’ of CIL be set at 25% (uncapped) for all Parish and Town Councils regardless of whether a Neighbourhood Plan in in place.
REASON FOR THE DECISION The Community Infrastructure Levy (CIL) was introduced by the government in 2010 as a mechanism to fund the infrastructure required to deliver Local Plan growth strategies. It allows local authorities to raise funds from developers undertaking new building projects. The money can be used to fund a wide range of infrastructure, such as transport schemes, schools, community facilities, parks and leisure facilities, which are needed as a result of development taking place
ITEMS REQUIRING KEY DECISION To consider the following items for decision in the current Forward Plan:- Additional documents: |
FP2124 Community Engagement Strategy Report of the Executive Director (Finance & Transformation) Additional documents:
Cabinet agreed: a) The Community Engagement Strategy in Appendix b) The Associated Action Plan for 2025-26 in Appendix B
REASON FOR THE DECISION The strategy sets out the council’s approach to community engagement over the next three years (2025-2028). This strategy should be read in conjunction with the councils’ Transformation Strategy which sets out the council’s approach to improving customer experience and promoting channel shift and the council’s Equality, Diversity and Inclusion Strategy. |
FP2080 Tree & Woodland Strategy Report of the Executive Director (Resident Services & Climate Change)
Additional documents:
Cabinet agreed the Tree and Woodland Strategy 2025-2029.
REASON FOR DECISION The purpose of this strategy is to set out the council’s approach to managing its trees and woodland by supporting our changing and growing borough whilst also maintaining and improving the borough’s tree stock and natural environment.
FP2082 The Landscape Management Plan Report of the Executive Director (Resident Services & Climate Change)
Additional documents:
Cabinet considered and approved The Commons Landscape Management Plan for 2025-2025 in Appendix A.
REASON FOR DECISION The Landscape Management Plan is produced to ensure the council’s Nature Reserves are maintained in a strategic and planned way. The plans typically run for 10 years.
FP2117 Green Belt Stage 4 Assessment Report of the Executive Director (Place)
Additional documents: Decision: DECISION TAKEN:
a) Standard contract procedures are waived and pursuant to Contract Procedure Rule 33.2 (g) Cabinet agrees a report from an Executive Director or the Chief Executive detailing a case where it is to the advantage of the Council that these rules should be waived.
b) Cabinet approves the direct award of contract to Land Use Consultants Ltd to continue the Green Belt Review (Stage 4) which forms part of the evidence base for the Local Plan Review
REASON FOR DECISION As part of providing the necessary evidence base for the Welwyn Hatfield Local Plan, a Green Belt Review was undertaken. The study consisted of three stages. The Local Plan Inspector was satisfied that the three stages of the study taken together represented adequate and proportionate evidence on the Green Belt (para 256; Report on the Examination of the Welwyn Hatfield Local Plan (2016), Sept 2023). Stage 4 of the Green Belt Study will build on the previous three studies as a continuing piece of work.
RECOMMENDATIONS FROM CABINET PANELS Recommendations from the meetings of the Council’s Cabient Panels: Additional documents: |
FP2119 Review of former Tenant Arrears and Rent Arrears Policy Recommendation from CHP on 19th February 2025:
Additional documents: Decision: DECISION TAKEN Cabinet agreed the changes to the Former Tenant Arears (FTA) Policy (as set out at Appendix A).
REASON FOR DECISION The council are focused on preventing FTA. While a tenant is living in their home, the council will work with them to try and prevent them falling into arrears wherever possible. This will include providing debt, benefit or general money advice or signposting where necessary. This is in line with the new proposed Rent Arrears Policy. FTA refers to rent arrears left by a tenant whose tenancy has ended, and they no longer live in their home. This policy applies to all former tenant accounts including rent arrears, court cost, garage rent arrears, non-secure arrears, rechargeable arrears and use and occupation charges. Maximising income enables the council to meet its financial obligations and continue to invest in improving services to tenants.
FP2123 Tenancy Agreement Recommendation from CHP on 19th February 2025:
Additional documents: Decision: DECISION TAKEN Cabinet agreed the recommendations set out in the report.
REASON FOR DECISION A review of the current secure tenancy terms and conditions was carried out, and several changes were required to clarify landlord and tenant obligations further. A consultation was carried out with all tenants (around 8,800 tenanted properties) in January 2025 on the proposed revised tenancy agreement in accordance with section 103 of the Housing Act 1985. The tenant panel was also consulted. An online survey was put onto the council’s website and 10,475 letters promoting the survey were posted out. Joint tenants were written to individually. There were 232 hard copies of the survey posted out with a pre-paid return envelope, which included 2 versions in large print. 3 Polish translations were requested, and some consultations were completed on the telephone. There were 1085 responses to the survey and a very high level of support (over 81%) for the proposed changes to the tenancy agreement.
Recommendations from Grants Board Additional documents: |
FP2141 Community Grant Allocations 2025/26 The report for this item is to follow.
The Cabinet will receive the recommendations of the Grants Board held on the 20th February 2025: Agenda for Grants Board on Thursday 20th February 2025, 6.30 pm – Welwyn Hatfield Borough Council
Additional documents: Decision: DECISION TAKEN Cabinet agreed the recommendations set out in the report.
REASON FOR DECISION The annual grants for 2025/26 opened on 6th January 2025 and closed on 31st January 2025. Thirty-four applications were received for consideration for Annual Grants for financial year 2025/26. The budget of £73,000 for the annual grants payments for the financial year 2025/26 was approved at Full Council on 3rd February 2025.
Local Government Reorganisation - Interim Plans Submission Additional documents:
Decision: DECISION TAKEN Cabinet agreed for delegated authority to be given to the Leader of the Council, in consultation with Deputy Leader, to submit an interim plan to Government by 21 March 2025 for Local Government Reorganisation in Hertfordshire.
REASON FOR DECISION On 16 December 2024, the government published a white paper on English devolution and reform to local government, setting out the potential for the most significant reforms to local government since the Local Government Act 1972. On 5 February 2025, the Minister of State for Local Government and English Devolution wrote a letter to the Leaders of all District and Borough Councils in Hertfordshire and Hertfordshire County Council, formally inviting them to develop a proposal for local government reorganisation for the area, setting out further detail on the criteria, guidance for the development of proposals, and the timeline for the process. In order to comply with the Government’s request to submit an interim plan for local government organisation in Hertfordshire by 21 March 2025, the purpose of this report is to seek delegated authority to be given to the Leader of the Council to submit a plan on behalf of Welwyn Hatfield Borough Council.
EXCLUSION OF PRESS AND PUBLIC The Cabinet is asked to resolve:
That under Section 100(A)(2) and (4) of the Local Government Act 1972, the press and public be now excluded from the meeting for Item XX on the grounds that it involves the likely disclosure of confidential or exempt information as defined in Section 100(A)(3) and Paragraph 3 (private financial or business information) of Part 1 of Schedule 12A of the said Act (as amended).
In resolving to exclude the public in respect of the exempt information, it is considered that the public interest in maintaining the exemption outweighs the public interest in disclosing the information. Additional documents: |
Items of an Exempt Nature Requiring Key decision To consider the following item of an exempt nature: Additional documents: |
FP2115 Minor Building Works Contract
Report of the Executive Director (Resident Services & Climate Change) Decision: DECISION TAKEN That Cabinet delegates the decision to agree the best way to deliver the future of the Minor Works contract to the Executive Director (Resident Services and Climate Change) in consultation with the S151 Officer, Monitoring Officer, Executive Member for Finance and the Executive Member for Housing.
REASON FOR DECISION The Council recently tendered for a Minor Works Contract on General Fund Managed Properties. The bidders were required to submit bids to undertake miscellaneous general building maintenance and minor works including all ancillary trades on public buildings other than the Council housing stock. The Contract requires one operative to work full-time on council property working to the instruction of the Council. TUPE is likely to apply for this role.