Venue: Council Chamber, Council Offices, The Campus, Welwyn Garden City, Herts, AL8 6AE
Contact: Graham Seal
No. | Item | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
MINUTES To confirm as a correct record the Minutes of the meeting held on 16 December 2019 (previously circulated). Minutes: The Minutes of the meeting held on 16 December 2019 were approved as a correct record and signed by the Chairman. |
ACTIONS STATUS REPORT PDF 73 KB Report of the Corporate Director (Public Protection, Planning and Governance) on the status of actions agreed at the last Cabinet meeting. Minutes: The status of actions agreed at the Cabinet meeting on 16 December 2019 in the report of the Corporate Director (Public Protection, Planning and Governance) was noted. |
DECLARATIONS OF INTERESTS BY MEMBER To note declarations of Members’ disclosable pecuniary interests, non-disclosable pecuniary interests and non-pecuniary interests in respect of items on the Agenda. Minutes: Councillor S.Boulton declared a non-pecuniary interest in Agenda item 9(a) - Pension Fund Triennial Valuation 2019 as a Member of Hertfordshire County Council Pensions Committee (Minute 85.1 refers). |
ITEM RELATING TO THE BUDGET AND POLICY FRAMEWORK FOR RECOMMENDATION TO THE COUNCIL To consider the item:- Minutes: The following item was considered:- |
Consideration of the designation of the Peartree area of Welwyn Garden City as a conservation area.
(Note: Report attached. Click link below item 7 for the Appendices:- Cabinet Planning and Parking Panel Agenda Pack – 17 December 2019 )
Additional documents: Minutes: The Panel had considered the designation of the Peartree area of Welwyn Garden City as a conservation area, following consultation and recommended that it be designated as a conservation area.
(1) The Decision Taken
That the recommendation of the Cabinet Planning and Parking Panel be approved and the Council be recommended that the Peartree area of Welwyn Garden City be designated as a conservation area.
(2) Reasons for the Decision
The Council had a duty to determine whether any parts of the Borough had special architectural or historic interest that should be preserved and enhanced.
A character appraisal had judged that the Peartree area of Welwyn Garden City warranted designation as a conservation area.
The Council consulted on whether to designate the Peartree area as a conservation area from 26 September to 11 November 2019. This included a letter to all residents in the area and a public drop-in exhibition at Woodhall community centre on 15 October 2019. |
ITEMS REQUIRING KEY DECISION To consider the following items for decision in the current Forward Plan:- Minutes: The following items for decision in the current Forward Plan were considered:- |
Council Tax Base 2020/21 (Forward Plan Reference FP939) PDF 186 KB Report of the Corporate Director (Resources, Environment and Cultural Services) on approval of the Council’s taxbase for the year 2020/21 and collection rate. Additional documents: Decision: (1) The Council's taxbase for the year 2020/2021 was approved, incorporating a collection rate of 99.40%.
(2) In accordance with the Local Authorities (Calculation of Council Tax Base) Regulations 2012, the amount calculated by the Borough Council as its taxbase for the year 2020/2021 shall be 42,590.0 and its constituent elements shall be:
Minutes: Report of the Corporate Director (Resources, Environment and Cultural Services) on approval of the Council’s taxbase for the year 2020/21 and collection rate.
(1) The Decision Taken
(1) That the Council's taxbase for the year 2020/2021 be approved, incorporating a collection rate of 99.40%.
(2) That in accordance with the Local Authorities (Calculation of Council Tax Base) Regulations 2012, the amount calculated by the Borough Council as its taxbase for the year 2020/2021 shall be 42,590.0 and its constituent elements shall be:
(2) Reasons for the Decision
All tax collecting local authorities had to estimate a Council Tax Base for the forthcoming financial year with the methods of estimation largely prescribed by regulation.
The estimated Tax Base was the number of taxable homes in the Borough expressed in Band D equivalent terms and generally the higher the tax base for any given level of Council General Fund expenditure, the lower the required Council Tax rate.
If the actual collection rate or the growth in the number of homes turned out to be different from the estimates, this would be adjusted through the Collection Fund in the following year with any financial impact borne in proportion by all precepting authorities. |
Budget Proposals and Medium Term Forecasts 2020/21 (Forward Plan Reference FP951) PDF 192 KB Report of the Corporate Director (Resources, Environment and Cultural Services) presenting the budget proposals for 2020/21.
(Note: This report will be considered at the Resources Overview and Scrutiny Committee meeting on 8 January 2020). Additional documents:
Decision: The Cabinet approved the following budget proposals and noted that any comments from the Resources Overview and Scrutiny Committee would be returned to the Special Cabinet on 21 January 2020 for consideration, before final recommendations were made to the Council:
General Fund
(1) The proposed General Fund Budget as summarised in Appendix A, and detailed in Appendix B.
(2) The inclusion of the savings and growth proposals into the budget as detailed in Appendices C and D.
(3) The approval of the 2020/21 fees and charges which have been incorporated into the budget proposals, as set out in Appendix E.
(4) The increase in the Council’s Band D Tax of £3.15 (1.49%), taking the average Band D Tax to £214.92 for 2020/21.
(5) That £100,000 be added to the Climate Change earmarked reserve from the 2020/21 budget, the expenditure of which will be delegated to the Corporate Director (Resources, Environment and Cultural Services) and Corporate Director (Planning, Public Protection and Governance), in consultation with the Executive Members (Resources), and (Governance, Public Health and Climate Change) and the Cross Party Climate Change Member Group.
(6) That £1.2M be added to the Pensions earmarked reserve from the 2020/21 budget to help the Council meet its potential pensions liability in year three of the proposed medium term financial strategy with the current balance of the reserve being used towards an additional payment to the fund in 2019/20 as required by the pensions actuary.
(7) That the Budget Priority and Transformation earmarked reserve be renamed as Modernisation reserve and that authority for its expenditure be delegated to the Modernisation Board (Chief Executive, Corporate Directors and Corporate Modernisation Lead), in consultation with the Leader and Executive Member (Resources).
Housing Revenue Account (HRA)
(1) That dwelling rents be increased by CPI+1% in accordance with Government legislation, resulting in an average rent of £106.16 per week.
(2) The continuation of the policy to charge formula rent when vacant properties are re-let.
(3) The approval of the Housing Revenue Account budget for 2020/21 as shown in Appendix F.
(4) The approval of the 2020/21 fees and charges which have been incorporated into the budget proposals, as set out in Appendix H.
(5) The Medium Term Financial Strategy (MTFS) to maintain HRA working balances to around 5% of rental income.
Capital Programme
(1) The approval of the Capital Programme for 2020/21 to 2024/25 as set out in Appendix I.
(2) The approval of the Capital Financing for the Capital Programme for 2020/21 to 2024/25 as set out in Appendix J, and noting the forecast capital balances in Appendix K.
Medium Term Financial Strategy
(1) The approval of the Medium-Term Financial Strategy and Financial Governance Framework, including all annexes and prudential indicators for 2020/21 – 2022/23 as set out in Appendix L. Minutes: Report of the Corporate Director (Resources, Environment and Cultural Services) presenting the budget proposals for 2020/21.
(1) The Decision Taken
That the Cabinet approves the following budget proposals and notes that any comments from the Resources Overview and Scrutiny Committee would be returned to the Special Cabinet on 21 January 2020 for consideration, before final recommendations were made to the Council:
General Fund
(1) The proposed General Fund Budget as summarised in Appendix A, and detailed in Appendix B.
(2) The inclusion of the savings and growth proposals into the budget as detailed in Appendices C and D.
(3) The approval of the 2020/21 fees and charges which had been incorporated into the budget proposals, as set out in Appendix E.
(4) The increase in the Council’s Band D Tax of £3.15 (1.49%), taking the average Band D Tax to £214.92 for 2020/21.
(5) That £100,000 be added to the Climate Change earmarked reserve from the 2020/21 budget, the expenditure of which would be delegated to the Corporate Director (Resources, Environment and Cultural Services) and Corporate Director (Planning, Public Protection and Governance), in consultation with the Executive Members (Resources) and (Governance, Public Health and Climate Change) and the Cross Party Climate Change Member Group.
(6) That £1.2M be added to the pensions earmarked reserve from the 2020/21 budget to help the Council meet its potential pensions liability in year three of the proposed medium term financial strategy with the current balance of the reserve being used towards an additional payment to the fund in 2019/20 as required by the pensions actuary.
(7) That the Budget Priority and Transformation earmarked reserve be renamed as Modernisation reserve and that authority for its expenditure be delegated to the Modernisation Board (Chief Executive, Corporate Directors and Corporate Modernisation Lead), in consultation with the Leader and Executive Member (Resources).
Housing Revenue Account (HRA)
(1) That dwelling rents be increased by CPI+1% in accordance with Government legislation, resulting in an average rent of £106.16 per week.
(2) The continuation of the policy to charge formula rent when vacant properties were re-let.
(3) The approval of the Housing Revenue Account budget for 2020/21 as shown in Appendix F.
(4) The approval of the 2020/21 fees and charges which had been incorporated into the budget proposals, as set out in Appendix H.
(5) The Medium Term Financial Strategy to maintain Housing Revenue Account working balances to around 5% of rental income.
Capital Programme
(1) The approval of the Capital Programme for 2020/21 to 2024/25 as set out in Appendix I.
(2) The approval of the capital financing for the capital programme for 2020/21 to 2024/25 as set out in Appendix J, and noting the forecast capital balances in Appendix K.
Medium Term Financial Strategy
(1) The approval of the Medium-Term Financial Strategy and Financial Governance Framework, including all annexes and prudential indicators for 2020/21 – 2022/23 as set out in Appendix L.
(2) Reasons for the Decision
This report would go on for consideration by the Resources ... view the full minutes text for item 84b |
Housing Revenue Account Business Plan (Forward Plan Reference FP931) PDF 135 KB Report of the Corporate Director (Housing and Communities) submitting the Business Plan 2020-2050 for approval. Additional documents: Decision: The Cabinet approved the Housing Revenue Account Business Plan 2020-2050 noting that any comments from the Cabinet Housing Panel would be returned to the Special Cabinet on 21 January 2020 for consideration, before final recommendations were made to the Council for adoption. Minutes: Report of the Corporate Director (Housing and Communities) submitting the Housing Revenue Account Business Plan 2020-2050 setting out the Council’s strategic plan for managing its social housing stock.
(1) The Decision Taken
That the Cabinet approves the Housing Revenue Account Business Plan 2020-2050 noting that any comments from the Cabinet Housing Panel on 15 January would be returned to the Special Cabinet on 21 January 2020 for consideration, before final recommendations were made to the Council for adoption.
(2) Reasons for the Decision
The Housing Revenue Account Business Plan set out the Council’s strategic plan for managing and maintaining its social housing stock.
It set out in detail the Council’s short to medium term plans and priorities for its asset management and housing management services and provided a thirty year forecast on stock investment requirements and financial planning. |
Recommendation from the meeting of the Cabinet Planning and Parking Panel on 17 December 2019 on the amendment of restrictions in Hatfield Town Centre car parks.
(Note: Report attached. Click link below item 8 for the Appendices:- Cabinet Planning and Parking Panel Agenda Pack – 17 December 2019 ) Additional documents: Decision: Having considered the objections received, the issues raised around equalities and diversity and all the detailed issues in the report, including any proposed mitigating actions, the recommendation of the Cabinet Panel to proceed with the amended proposals and the creation of the Traffic Regulation Order for all the reasons set out was approved. Minutes: Recommendation from the meeting of the Cabinet Planning and Parking Panel on 17 December 2019 on the amendment of restrictions in Hatfield Town Centre car parks.
(1) The Decision Taken
That having considered the objections received, the issues raised around equalities and diversity and all the detailed issues in the report including any proposed mitigating actions, the unanimous recommendation of the Cabinet Panel to proceed with the amended proposals and the creation of the Traffic Regulation Order for all the reasons set out in the report be approved.
(2) Reasons for the Decision
The changes were necessary in order to mitigate the impact of a loss of car parking spaces during the constriction period of the multi-storey car park.
A total of 570 businesses and residents had been consulted on the proposals and 12 objections were received.
Further changes had been made to the advertised proposals mainly to increase the number of three hour parking bays available and focusing on changes for Monday to Friday only. |
ITEM REQUIRING KEY DECISION NOT IN THE FORWARD PLAN To consider the following item for decision not in the current Forward Plan:- Minutes: The following item for decision not in the current Forward Plan was considered:- |
Pension Fund Triennial Valuation 2019 PDF 60 KB Report of the Corporate Director (Resources, Environment and Cultural Services) on the Local Government Pension Scheme triennial valuation 2019.
(Note: The Chairman of the Resources Overview and Scrutiny Committee has been given notice that it was impracticable to comply with the requirement that at least twenty eight days notice must be given of the intention to make a key decision not in the Forward Plan in accordance with Regulation 10 of the Local Authorities (Executive Arrangements) (Meetings and Access to Information) (England) Regulations 2012 because it was urgent and could not reasonably be deferred for the reason specified).
The reason for this item is to allow the authority to inform the actuary to make a decision without delay. Decision: The Cabinet agreed to take up option 1 to address the pension fund deficit which meant that an additional lump sum payment of £1.848M would need to be paid into the pension fund to be funded from the pension earmarked reserve as well as this existing General Fund and Housing Revenue Account budgets. Minutes: Report of the Corporate Director (Resources, Environment and Cultural Services) updating the Cabinet on the results of the 2019 valuation and seeking approval to a one-off lump sum contribution into the fund to help manage the annual contributions from the Council.
(1) The Decision Taken
That the Cabinet agrees to take up option 1 to address the pension fund deficit which meant that an additional lump sum payment of £1.848M would need to be paid into the pension fund to then be funded from the pension earmarked reserve as well as existing General Fund and Housing Revenue Account budgets.
(2) Reasons for the Decision
The deficit at £10M or 94%, had considerably improved since the 2016 exercise.
Currently, the Council was making contributions to the fund at 18.3% of payroll, plus an additional £1.1M annually.
The actuary had recommended that the 18.3% contribution be maintained and had set out two options to continue to reduce the pension deficit via lump sums.
Option 1 involved an additional one-off payment of £1.8M combined with maintaining the annual lump sum payments at £1.1M.
Option 2 did not involve an additional one-off lump sum payment, but larger annual lump sum payments.
Option 1 was recommended, as money invested in the pension fund generated a more favourable return than the Council could achieve through its investment strategy.
(Note: Councillor S.Boulton declared an interest in this item – Minute 82 refers).
(Note: The Chairman of the Resources Overview and Scrutiny Committee had been given notice that it was impracticable to comply with the requirement that at least twenty eight days’ notice must be given of the intention to make a key decision not in the Forward Plan in accordance with Regulation 10 of the Local Authorities (Executive Arrangements) (Meetings and Access to Information) (England) Regulations 2012 because it was urgent and could not reasonably be deferred for the reason specified).
The reason for this item was to allow the authority to inform the actuary to make a decision without delay. |
RECOMMENDATIONS FROM CABINET PANEL AND BOARD To consider recommendations from the meeting of the Cabinet Planning and Parking Panel on 17 December 2019 and General Procurement Board on 26 November 2019:- Minutes: The following recommendations from the meeting of the Cabinet Planning and Parking Panel on 17 December 2019 and General Procurement Board on 26 November were considered:- |
Consideration of objections and proposals for verge protection in the French Horn Lane area, Hatfield East Ward.
(Note: Report attached. Click link below item 10 for the Appendices:- Cabinet Planning and Parking Panel Agenda Pack – 17 December 2019 ) Additional documents: Decision: Having considered the objection received, the issues raised around equalities and diversity and all the detailed issues in the report, including any proposed mitigating actions the recommendation of the Cabinet Panel to proceed with the creation of a traffic regulation order for the reasons set out was approved. Minutes: Consideration of objections and proposals for verge protection in the French Horn Lane area, Hatfield East Ward.
The Panel had previously considered the creation of a Traffic Regulation Order for the introduction of waiting restrictions in five areas within French Horn Lane. It was notified to the consultees that all properties would be further consulted at a later date on a proposal to create a Verge Protection Order to prevent parking on grass verges and pavements.
Parking services wrote to all properties and businesses within the French Horn Lane area at the end of September 2019 on the proposed introduction of a verge protection order. One objection was received.
That having considered the objection received, the issues raised around equalities and diversity and all the detailed issues in the report, including any proposed mitigating actions the unanimous recommendation of the Cabinet Panel to proceed with the creation of a traffic regulation order for the reasons set out be approved. |
Consideration of objections and proposals for waiting restrictions, resident permit parking scheme, verge and footway prohibition and clearway.
(Note: Report attached. Click link below item 9 for the Appendices:- Cabinet Planning and Parking Panel Agenda Pack – 17 December 2019 ) Additional documents: Decision: (1) Having considered the objections received, the issues raised around equalities and diversity and all the detailed issues, including any proposed mitigating actions, the recommendation of the Cabinet Panel to proceed with the amended proposals and the creation of the Traffic Regulation Order for all the reasons set out was approved.
(2) The Cabinet noted and agreed that although the majority of responses opted for a resident parking permit scheme to operate on Monday to Saturday, it was recommended that the scheme operate on Monday to Friday due to the responses received to the adjacent Hatfield town centre car park amendment consultation, which proposed that the parking permit restrictions be applicable on Monday to Friday only so that the Aldykes scheme corresponded with the Hatfield town centre area to operate on Monday to Friday from 9.00am to 5.00pm. Minutes: Consideration of objections and proposals for waiting restrictions, resident permit parking scheme, verge and footway prohibition and clearway.
In March 2018 the Council sent out the first round of consultation letters seeking views on parking options in the area. Some roads returned low numbers of responses, less than 20% and they were then given a second opportunity to respond in May 2018.
A further consultation was also carried out in March 2019 in order to alleviate concerns raised by residents living in Woods Avenue.
A total of 1200 properties had been consulted and 19 objections had been received. It was noted that since the start of the consultation period, the Council had created a significant number of parking spaces within the Aldykes area in order to discourage parking on verges and pavements.
(1) That it be noted and agreed that although the majority of responses opted for a resident parking permit scheme to operate on Monday to Saturday it was recommended that the scheme operate on Monday to Friday due to the responses received to the adjacent Hatfield town centre car park amendment consultation, which proposed that the parking permit restrictions be applicable on Monday to Friday only so that the Aldykes scheme corresponded with the Hatfield town centre area to operate on Monday to Friday from 9.00am to 5.00pm.
(2) That having considered the objections received, the issues raised around equalities and diversity and all the detailed issues, including any proposed mitigating actions the unanimous recommendation of the Cabinet Panel to proceed with the amended proposals and the creation of the Traffic Regulation Order for all the reasons set out be approved. |
ICT, Contact Centre, Reception, Switchboard, Benefits and Council Tax PDF 83 KB Appointment of a Cross Party Procurement Board to oversee the project. Decision: As recommended by the General Procurement Board, the Cabinet established a cross party Member Procurement Board to oversee this project. Minutes: The Council had entered into a contract with Steria Services Limited (now Sopra Steria Services) on 1 January 2009 to provide ICT, Contact Centre, Reception, Switchboard, Benefits and Council Tax Services to the Council. This contract would expire on 31 December 2022 and there was not any provision to extend it further at present.
The Council had to decide how the above services would be delivered after 31 December 2022 and the General Procurement Board recommended the Cabinet to set up a specific Procurement Board to oversee the project.
That, as recommended by the General Procurement Board, a cross party Member Procurement Board be established to oversee this project. |
Report of the Corporate Director (Public Protection, Planning and Governance) on the current strategic and top operational risks facing the Council. Additional documents:
Decision: The current Strategic Risk Register and top operational risks, together with comments in respect of each risk where shown were noted. Minutes: Report of the Corporate Director (Public Protection, Planning and Governance) on the current strategic and top operational risks facing the Council.
That the current Strategic Risk Register and top operational risks, together with comments in respect of each risk where shown be noted. |
EXCLUSION OF PRESS AND PUBLIC The Cabinet is asked to resolve:
That under Section 100(A)(2) and (4) of the Local Government Act 1972, the press and public be now excluded from the meeting for Items 14 and 15 (if any) on the grounds that they involve the likely disclosure of confidential or exempt information as defined in Section 100(A)(3) and Paragraph 3 (private financial or business information) of Part 1 of Schedule 12A of the said Act (as amended).
In resolving to exclude the public in respect of the exempt information, it is considered that the public interest in maintaining the exemption outweighs the public interest in disclosing the information. Minutes: RESOLVED:
That under Section 100(A)(2) and (4) of the Local Government Act 1972, the press and public be now excluded from the meeting for Agenda item 14 (Minute 89 refers) on the grounds that it involved the likely disclosure of confidential or exempt information as defined in Section 100A(3) and paragraph 3 (private financial or business information) of Part 1 of Schedule 12A of the said Act (as amended).
In resolving to exclude the public in respect of the exempt information, it was considered that the public interest in maintaining the exemption outweighed the public interest in disclosing the information. |
WRITE OFF OVER £10,000 - HOUSING BENEFIT OVERPAYMENT Exempt report of the Corporate Director (Resources, Environment and Cultural Services) seeking agreement to the write off of a housing benefit overpayment of over £10,000. Decision: The Cabinet agreed to a write off in respect of an overpayment of housing benefit where recovery action has proved to be unsuccessful as detailed in the exempt report. Minutes: Exempt report of the Corporate Director (Resources, Environment and Cultural Services) seeking agreement to the write off of a housing benefit overpayment of over £10,000.
That the Cabinet agrees to the write off of an overpayment of housing benefit of over £10,000 where recovery action had proved to be unsuccessful, as detailed in the exempt report. |